Privacy Policy


Privacy Policy

LAST UPDATED 27/06/2024


This Privacy Policy for SOUNDSAUCE LTD  (doing business as [SOUND SAUCE]) describes how and why SOUND SAUCE might collect, store, use, and/or share (“Process“) User (referred to as the User) information when the User uses SOUND SAUCE’s services (“Services“), such as when the User:

  1. Visit SOUND SAUCE SOUND website at [], or any website that links to this Privacy Policy.
  2. Engage with SOUND SAUCE in other related ways ― including any sales, marketing, or events.

Reading this Privacy Policy shall help in understanding User privacy rights and choices. If the User does not agree with SOUND SAUCE’s policies and practices, please do not use the Services. If the User still have any questions or concerns, please contact SOUND SAUCE at




Personal data Precise Legal Definition
“… any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (‘data subject’); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person;

(Chapter 1, Article 4, Part 1)

Simplified Definition
Information about a person that can directly or indirectly identify them, like:
  • Names
  • E-mail address
  • ID numbers
  • Addresses
  • Precise geolocation
  • IP addresses
  • Biometric data
  • Sensitive Personal Information
Processing Precise Legal Definition
“… any operation or set of operations which is performed on personal data or on sets of personal data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction;

(Chapter 1, Article 4, Part 2)

Simplified Definition
Doing any of the following actions to a piece or set of personal data:
  • Collecting 
  • Recording
  • Organizing
  • Structuring
  • Storing
  • Adapting
  • Altering
  • Retrieving
  • Consulting
  • Using
  • Disclosing
  • Disseminating
  • Making available
  • Aligning
  • Combining
  • Restricting
  • Erasing
  • Destroying
Consent Precise Legal Definition
…any freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous indication of the data subject’s wishes by which he or she, by a statement or by a clear affirmative action, signifies agreement to the processing of personal data relating to him or her;

(Chapter 1, Article 4, Part 11)

Simplified Definition
When a data subject freely agrees to data processing by taking an affirmative, clear action (like selecting a checkbox, clicking a button labeled ‘I Agree’, writing it on a piece of paper, or signing a document with this purpose) and has access to and read a compliant privacy policy that informs them about the entity’s data processing activities.

*This is an important definition to pay attention to if the User’s business relies on consent as a legal basis for processing personal data.

Data controller Precise Legal Definition
…the natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data; where the purposes and means of such processing are determined by Union or Member State law, the controller or the specific criteria for its nomination may be provided for by Union or Member State law;

(Chapter 1, Article 4, Part 7)

Simplified Definition
Any natural person or entity that determines the reason for and means of processing personal data pertaining to data subjects (e.g., customers, users, website visitors, etc.).
Data processor Precise Legal Definition
a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which processes personal data on behalf of the controller; 

(Chapter 1, Article 4, Part 8)

Simplified Definition
Any third party tasked by a data controller to process personal data based on the instructions provided by the controller and on their behalf.



SOUND SAUCE’s Privacy Policy follows general principles that guide the vision of data protection of which the policy is based, such principles follow the guidelines of Data Protection and Privacy Laws respected worldwide like the GDPR and CCPA among others.


The principles are Lawfulness, Transparency, Fairness, and Accountability.

Data is collected and processed lawfully, transparently, fairly, and with accountability for the purpose of:

  1. Purpose Limitation: Collect data for specified, explicit, and legitimate purposes only.
  2. Data Minimization: Ensure data is adequate, relevant, and limited to what is necessary.
  3. Accuracy: Keep data accurate and up-to-date.
  4. Storage Limitation: Retain data only as long as necessary for its purpose.
  5. Integrity and Confidentiality: Process data securely to protect against unauthorized or unlawful processing, accidental loss, destruction, or damage.



SOUND SAUCE’s data processing activities are conducted in accordance with applicable data protection laws and regulations, including but not limited to the GDPR, CCPA, and other relevant regional laws. SOUND SAUCE ensures that SOUND SAUCE’s processing activities are based on one or more lawful grounds, such as:

  1. Consent: Data subjects have provided explicit consent for the processing of their personal data for specific purposes.
  2. Contractual Necessity: Processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is a party or for taking pre-contractual steps at the data subject’s request.
  3. Legal Obligation: Processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which SOUND SAUCE is subject.
  4. Legitimate Interests: Processing is necessary for the purposes of SOUND SAUCE’s legitimate interests or those of a third party, provided that such interests are not overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject.



SOUND SAUCE is committed to transparency in data processing practices. To ensure transparency, SOUND SAUCE provides detailed information about:

  1. The types of personal data SOUND SAUCE collects and processes.
  2. The purposes for which SOUND SAUCE collects and processes personal data.
  3. The legal basis for processing personal data.
  4. The categories of recipients with whom SOUND SAUCE shares personal data.
  5. The rights of data subjects and how they can exercise those rights.
  6. Any automated decision-making processes, including profiling, and their implications for data subjects.
  7. Updates or changes to SOUND SAUCE’s privacy policy and the reasons for such updates or changes.



SOUND SAUCE is committed to treating all individuals equally and ensuring that data processing practices do not result in unfair or discriminatory treatment. SOUND SAUCE does not discriminate against individuals on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or any other protected characteristic.



SOUND SAUCE IS accountable for data processing practices and is committed to demonstrating compliance with applicable data protection laws and regulations. To fulfil accountability obligations, SOUND SAUCE:

  1. Maintains records of data processing activities, including the purposes of processing, categories of personal data processed, and security measures implemented.
  2. Conducts data protection impact assessments (DPIAs) for high-risk processing activities.
  3. Cooperates with data protection authorities and responds to inquiries and requests for information in a timely and transparent manner.


Privacy by Design and Default

SOUND SAUCE implements privacy by design and default principles and practices in data processing activities to ensure that privacy considerations are incorporated into systems, processes, and practices from the outset. This includes:

  1. Minimizing the collection and processing of personal data to what is necessary for the intended purpose.
  2. Implementing appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of personal data.
  3. Regularly assessing and mitigating privacy risks associated with SOUND SAUCE’s data processing activities.



This summary provides key points from SOUND SAUCE’s Privacy Policy ,but the User can find out more details about any of these topics by using table of contents below to find the section the User are looking for.


What Personal Information does SOUND SAUCE process? When the User visits, uses, and/or navigates the Services, SOUND SAUCE may process Personal Information depending on how the User interacts with the Services, the choices the User makes, and the products and features used.


Does SOUND SAUCE process any sensitive Personal Information? SOUND SAUCE does not process sensitive Personal Information. SOUND SAUCE may process sensitive Personal Information when necessary with the User’s consent or as otherwise permitted by applicable law.


Does SOUND SAUCE receive any information from third parties? SOUND SAUCE may receive information from public databases, marketing partners, social media platforms, and other outside sources.


How does SOUND SAUCE process User information? SOUND SAUCE processes the User’s information to provide, improve, and administer the Services, communicate with the User, for security and fraud prevention, and to comply with law. SOUND SAUCE may also process the User’s information for other purposes with the User’s consent. SOUND SAUCE processes the User’s information only when there is a valid legal reason to do so.


In what situations and with which types of parties does SOUND SAUCE share Personal Information? SOUND SAUCE may share information in specific situations and with specific categories of third parties.


How does SOUND SAUCE keep the User’s information safe? SOUND SAUCE has organizational and technical processes and procedures in place to protect the User’s Personal Information. However, no electronic transmission over the internet or information storage technology can be guaranteed to be 100% secure, so SOUND SAUCE cannot promise or guarantee that hackers, cybercriminals, or other unauthorized third parties shall not be able to defeat the security and improperly collect, access, steal, or modify the User’s information.


What are the User’s rights? Depending on where the User is located geographically, the applicable privacy law may mean that the User has certain rights regarding Personal Information.


How does the User exercise his/her rights? The easiest way to exercise the User’s rights is by filling out a data subject access request by contacting SOUND SAUCE, following that SOUND SAUCE shall consider and act upon any request in accordance with applicable data protection laws.



SOUND SAUCE only processes Personal Information when it is necessary and SOUND SAUCE has a valid legal basis to do so under applicable law, like with the User’s consent, to comply with laws, to provide the User with services to enter into or fulfil SOUND SAUCE’s contractual obligations, to protect the User’s rights, or to fulfil SOUND SAUCE’s legitimate business interests.


If the User is located in the EU or UK, this section applies to the User.


The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and UK GDPR require SOUND SAUCE to explain the valid legal basis SOUND SAUCE relies on in order to process the User’s Personal Information. As such, SOUND SAUCE may rely on the following legal bases to process the User’s Personal Information:

  1. Consent: SOUND SAUCE may process the User’s information if the User has given SOUND SAUCE permission and showed and/or acted upon implied or direct consent to SOUND SAUCE to use the User’s Personal Information for a specific purpose. the User can withdraw the User’s consent at any time.
  2. Performance of a Contract: SOUND SAUCE may process the User’s Personal Information when SOUND SAUCE believe it is necessary to fulfil contractual obligations to the User, including providing SOUND SAUCE’s Services or at the User’s request prior to entering into a contract with the User.
  3. Legitimate Interests: SOUND SAUCE may process the User’s information when SOUND SAUCE believe it is reasonably necessary to achieve SOUND SAUCE’s legitimate business interests and those interests do not outweigh the User’s interests and fundamental rights and freedoms. For example, SOUND SAUCE may process the User’s Personal Information for some of the purposes described in order to:
    1. Send users information about special offers and discounts on SOUND SAUCE’s products and services.
    2. Develop and display personalized and relevant advertising content for SOUND SAUCE’s users.
    3. Analyze how Services are used so SOUND SAUCE improve to engage and retain users.
    4. Support SOUND SAUCE’s marketing and promotional activities.
    5. Diagnose problems and/or prevent fraudulent activities.
    6. Understand users’ usage of Services so SOUND SAUCE improve user experience.
  4. Legal Obligations: SOUND SAUCE may process the User’s information where SOUND SAUCE believe it is necessary for compliance with legal obligations, such as to cooperate with a law enforcement body or regulatory agency, exercise or defend SOUND SAUCE’s legal rights, or disclose the User’s information as evidence in legal bodies in which SOUND SAUCE in involved.
  5. Vital Interests: SOUND SAUCE may process the User’s information where SOUND SAUCE believes it is necessary to protect the User’s vital interests or the vital interests of a third party, such as situations involving potential threats to the safety of any person.


In legal terms, SOUND SAUCE is generally considered the “data controller” under European data protection laws for the Personal Information outlined in this privacy policy, as SOUND SAUCE determines the means and/or purposes of the data processing performed. However, this privacy policy does not apply to the Personal Information processed by SOUND SAUCE as a “data processor” on behalf of SOUND SAUCE’s customers. In such cases, the customer to whom SOUND SAUCE provides services and with whom SOUND SAUCE has entered into a data processing agreement is the “data controller” responsible for the User’s Personal Information, and SOUND SAUCE simply processes the User’s information on their behalf according to the User’s instructions. For more information on the privacy practices of third parties, Users should refer to their privacy policies and direct any questions they may have to those third parties.


The purpose of the General Data Protection Regulation “GDPR” is to protect all European Union “EU” citizens from privacy and data breaches by allowing citizens to maintain control of the personal data kept and processed by organizations, including SOUNDSAUCE LTD. The GDPR also safeguards the personal data of individuals within the EU, irrespective of citizenship.


SOUND SAUCE is dedicated to safeguarding the privacy of personal data and ensuring the User’s privacy online. SOUND SAUCE is also committed to providing Users with the best possible experience on the Services, Sites, and all related web-based services offered by SOUND SAUCE. This Policy outlines how SOUND SAUCE uses personal data, the purpose of sharing and recipients of personal data, and the User’s rights and choices associated with that data. By utilizing SOUND SAUCE Services, Users are consenting to the practices outlined in this Privacy Policy.


    1. Personal Information the User discloses to SOUND SAUCE

SOUND SAUCE gathers Personal Information that users willingly provide when engaging in activities on the Services or contacting SOUND SAUCE through various channels such as websites, telephone, postal mail, social media, forums, or other methods.

  1. Personal Information Provided by the User.

The types of Personal Information collected by SOUND SAUCE vary depending on the user’s interactions with the Services, their choices, and the specific products and features they utilize, including:

  1. Account Information. 

When the User creates an account with SOUND SAUCE, SOUND SAUCE shall collect the information associated with the User’s account, including the User’s name, contact information, account credentials, payment card information, and transaction history.

  1. User Content

When the User uses the Services, SOUND SAUCE shall collect Personal Information that is included in the input, file uploads, or feedback that the User provides to SOUND SAUCE’s Services.

  1. Communication Information.

If the User communicates with SOUND SAUCE, SOUND SAUCE shall collect the User’s name, contact information, and the contents of any messages the User sends.

  1. Social Media Information.

SOUND SAUCE have pages on social media sites. When the User interacts with social media pages that belong to SOUND SAUCE, SOUND SAUCE shall collect Personal Information that the User elects to provide to SOUND SAUCE, such as the User’s contact details. In addition, the companies that host SOUND SAUCE’s social media pages may provide SOUND SAUCE with aggregate information and analytics about SOUND SAUCE’s social media activity.

  1. Other Information the User Provides.

SOUND SAUCE collect other information that the User may provide to SOUND SAUCE, such as when the User participates in SOUND SAUCE’s events or surveys or provides SOUND SAUCE with information to establish the User’s identity.

  1. Personal Information SOUND SAUCE receives automatically from the User’s use of the Services.

When the User visits, uses or navigates the Services, SOUND SAUCE may automatically collect certain information. While this data does not directly identify users (such as their name or contact details), it may encompass device and usage details like IP address, browser characteristics, operating system, language preferences, referring URLs, device name, country, location, usage patterns, and other technical information. This information is crucial for maintaining the security and functionality of the Services, as well as for internal analytics and reporting purposes.

  1. Log Data.

This is data automatically sent by the User’s browser or device when they access the Services. Log data comprises the user’s Internet Protocol (IP) address, browser type and settings, the timestamp of their request, and their interactions with the Services.

  1. Usage Data.

SOUND SAUCE may automatically gather details regarding the User’s usage of the Services, including the types of content viewed or interacted with, utilized features, user actions, time zone, country, access dates and times, user agent and version, computer or mobile device type, and the User’s computer connection.

  1. Device Information.

Includes name of the device, operating system, device identifiers, and browser the User are using. Information collected may depend on the type of device the User uses and its settings.

  1. Cookies.

SOUND SAUCE uses cookies to operate and administer the Services and improve the User’s experience.

  1. Location Data.

SOUND SAUCE may collect location data such as information about the User’s device’s location, which can be either precise or imprecise. How much information SOUND SAUCE collects depends on the type and settings of the device the User use to access the Services. For example, SOUND SAUCE may use GPS and other technologies to collect geolocation data that tells the User’s current location (based on the User’s IP address). the User can opt out of allowing SOUND SAUCE to collect this information either by refusing access to the information or by disabling the User’s Location setting on the User’s device.

  1. Analytics.

SOUND SAUCE may use a variety of online analytics products that use cookies to help analyze how users use the Services and enhance the User’s experience when the User uses the Services.





  1. Payment Data.

SOUND SAUCE may collect data necessary to process the User’s payment if the User makes purchases, such as the User’s payment instrument number (such as a credit card number), and the security code associated with the User’s payment instrument.


  1. Cookies

Cookies are small files that are placed on the User’s computer, mobile device, or any other device by a website, containing details of the User’s browsing history on that website among its many uses. This Cookies and Privacy Policy governs the manner in which SOUND SAUCE collects, uses, maintains, and discloses information collected from the User of SOUND SAUCE website and related applications.


Cookies can be “Persistent” or “Session” Cookies. Persistent Cookies remain on the User’s personal computer or mobile device when the User goes offline, while Session Cookies are deleted as soon as the User close the User’s web browser. SOUND SAUCE uses both session and persistent Cookies for the purposes of:

  1. Providing the User with Services available through the Website and to enable the use of some of its features. Along with helping to authenticate information and data and prevent fraudulent use of User accounts.
  2. Allow SOUND SAUCE to remember choices the User made when the Service is used, such as remembering login details or language preference to provide the User with a more personal experience and to avoid having to re-enter preferences every time the User uses the Website.


If the User prefers to avoid the use of Cookies on the Website, first the User must disable the use of Cookies in the browser used and then delete the Cookies saved in the browser associated with this website. The User may use this option to prevent the use of Cookies at any time.


If the User does not accept SOUND SAUCE’s Cookies, the User may experience some inconvenience in the use of the website and Services and some features may not function properly.


  1. Other Data Through Different Means.

In order to enhance the ability to provide relevant marketing, offers, and Services to the User and update SOUND SAUCE’s records, SOUND SAUCE may obtain information about the User from other sources, such as public databases, joint marketing partners, affiliate programs, data providers, social media platforms, and from other third parties. This information includes mailing addresses, job titles, email addresses, phone numbers, intent data (or user behaviour data), Internet Protocol “IP” addresses, social media profiles, social media URLs, and custom profiles, for purposes of targeted advertising and event promotion. If the User interacts with SOUND SAUCE on a social media platform using the User’s social media account, SOUND SAUCE receives Personal Information about the User such as the User’s name, email address, and gender. Any Personal Information that SOUND SAUCE collects from the User’s social media account depends on the User’s social media account’s privacy settings.


All Personal Information that the User provides to SOUND SAUCE must be true, complete, and accurate, and the User must notify SOUND SAUCE of any changes to such Personal Information.


If the User does not wish to provide the Personal Information necessary to fulfil their applicable purpose, it may affect SOUND SAUCE’s ability to provide services, in particular:

  1. Offer the User the products or Services that the User wants.
  2. Manage the User’s account in SOUND SAUCE.
  3. Respond to or help with the User’s requests.
  4. Confirm the User’s identity and protect the User’s account.



SOUND SAUCE uses data that it collects to:

  1.  Service Provision and Maintenance:
    1. Provide Services to the User, including account registration, maintain the Platform and User’s account and facilitate account creation and authentication and otherwise manage the User’s accounts.
    2. Market and sell products and Services.
    3. Process payments securely.
    4. Send administrative information to the User.
    5. Ensure safe, secure, and reliable Services and Sites operation.
    6. Enhance operational efficiency and deliver improved services to the User.
    7. Respond to User inquiries.
    8. Send messages and information regarding SOUND SAUCE’s products and services.
    9. Distribute support and administrative messages, technical notices, updates, alerts, and other relevant information.
    10. Inform the User about services and programs offered by SOUND SAUCE that may be of interest.
    11. Identify and prevent fraud and abuse, including identity verification.
    12. fulfil and manage the User’s orders.
    13. Handle accounting, audits, and internal functions.
    14. Comply with requests or orders from courts, law enforcement, or government authorities.
    15. SOUND SAUCE reserves the right to share certain information with third parties in case abuse of the Site and/or Services is detected, including possible copyright infringement, libel, slander, or fraudulent/illegal activities.
    16. Provide customer support assistance and communication with the User.
    17. Enable user-to-user communications.
    18. Request feedback.
    19. Save or protect an individual’s vital interest.
  2. User Engagement and Experience:
    1. Gather feedback and conduct surveys for service improvement.
    2. Customize User experience based on preferences and behaviour.
    3. Organize events and promotions for user engagement.
    4. Offer rewards or loyalty programs.
    5. Facilitate user-generated content creation and sharing.
    6. Monitor and enforce community guidelines.
    7. Provide tutorials or educational resources.
    8. Implement social features for networking and interaction among users.
    9. Offer premium features or exclusive content access.
  3. Partnerships and Marketing:
    1. Collaborate with partners for joint marketing efforts.
    2. Collaborate with influencers for promotional campaigns.
    3. Develop partnerships with other companies for cross-promotion opportunities.
  4. Data Analysis and Research:
    1. Analyze User data for insights and trends.
    2. Conduct market research and analysis.
    3. Provide recommendations for related products or services.
  5. Content Creation and Promotion:
    1. Recommend artists to business partners for publishing and promotional purposes.
    2. Create and curate playlists or content collections.
    3. Host contests or competitions.
    4. Integrate with third-party platforms for enhanced functionality.
    5. Deliver targeted advertising to the User.
    6. Identify usage trends.
    7. Determine the effectiveness of SOUND SAUCE’s marketing campaigns.


    1. Protection 

The Data Protection applies to all users of any services owned or controlled by SOUND SAUCE. Additionally, this section encompasses Service Providers, Contractors, Affiliates, Vendors, Agents, Entities, their parent company and subsidiaries, as well as their respective employees, officers, directors, members, managers, shareholders, vendors, licensors, licensees, contractors, customers, successors, and assigns. Each party is responsible for ensuring compliance with all legislation and regulatory requirements pertaining to the use of personal data, including U.S. Data Protection legislation such as the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA), as well as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This obligation remains in addition to and does not diminish, replace, or remove any party’s existing obligations under such requirements. The User acknowledges that it is not permitted to rent or sell customer lists, contact details, or other data without the explicit prior consent of the customers.


  1. Data Retention And Destruction Of Information

SOUND SAUCE will retain the User’s information in compliance with relevant laws concerning retention periods only for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes for which it was collected, as described in this privacy policy, or for essential business purposes, such as complying with SOUND SAUCE’s legal obligations, resolving disputes, and enforcing agreements. Specific retention periods depend on the nature of the data and the purposes for which it was collected. After the retention period ends, the User’s personal data will be deleted or anonymized in a secure manner.


Upon the User’s request, information will be destroyed, unless the law mandates destruction after a specified retention period expires. the manner of destruction will be chosen to maintain the confidentiality of the user’s information, considering its sensitivity, value, and importance to sound sauce.


In case the User intends to delete the account the User registered on SOUND SAUCE’s Services, the deletion, earesure and/or destruction of the User’s data shall be effective within 15 days of the date upon the termination and/or deletion date of the User’s account.


SOUND SAUCE has no ongoing legitimate business need to process the User’s Personal Information, SOUND SAUCE shall either delete or anonymize such information, or, if this is not possible (for example, because the User’s Personal Information has been stored in backup archives), then SOUND SAUCE shall securely store the User’s Personal Information and isolate it from any further processing until deletion is possible.


  1. Data Storage

Personal data is stored on secure servers located within the regions SOUND SAUCE operates. SOUND SAUCE ensures that the data is protected under the applicable data protection laws and regulations. SOUND SAUCE implements appropriate administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the User’s personal data.


  1. Data Security 

SOUND SAUCE is committed to ensuring the security of personal data. SOUND SAUCE employs a variety of security measures to maintain the safety of personal data when the User enters, submits, or accesses the personal data. These measures include:

  1. Encryption: SOUND SAUCE uses encryption technologies to protect the User’s data during transmission and at rest.
  2. Access Controls: SOUND SAUCE restricts access to the User’s personal data to authorized personnel only, and access is granted based on job necessity.
  3. Firewalls and Intrusion Detection: SOUND SAUCE’s systems are protected by firewalls and intrusion detection systems to prevent unauthorized access.
  4. Regular Security Audits: SOUND SAUCE performs regular security audits and assessments to identify and mitigate potential vulnerabilities.


  1. Data Security Measures

To further ensure the protection of personal data, SOUND SAUCE implements the following measures:

  1. Regular Training: SOUND SAUCE employees receive regular training on data protection best practices and policies.
  2. Incident Response Plan: SOUND SAUCE has an incident response plan in place to promptly address and manage any data breaches or security incidents.
  3. Third-Party Assessments: periodically conduct third-party security assessments to ensure SOUND SAUCE’s practices meet industry standards and regulatory requirements.
  4. Data Minimization: SOUND SAUCE only collects and retains the minimum amount of personal data necessary for the purposes outlined in this privacy policy.
  5. Secure Disposal: SOUND SAUCE disposes of personal data securely when it is no longer needed, using methods such as shredding, degaussing, or electronic deletion.


Despite safeguards and efforts to secure the User’s information, no electronic transmission over the Internet or information storage technology can be guaranteed to be 100% secure, thus SOUND SAUCE shall not promise or guarantee that hackers, cybercriminals, or other unauthorized third parties shall not be able to defeat security systems and improperly collect, access, steal, or modify the User’s information. However, SOUND SAUCE shall engage in due care regarding best practices to protect the User’s Personal Information. Given that transmission of Personal Information to and from Services is at the User’s own risk. The User should only access the Services within a secure environment.


  1. Automated Decision Making And Profiling

SOUND SAUCE may use automated decision-making processes and profiling techniques to analyze certain aspects of personal data. These processes may involve the automated processing of personal data to make decisions or predictions about the User.

  1. What is Automated Decision-Making?

Automated decision-making refers to the use of algorithms or computer systems to make decisions without human intervention. These decisions may impact various aspects of User rights or interests.

  1. What is Profiling?

Profiling involves the automated processing of personal data to evaluate certain characteristics about an individual, such as their preferences, behaviour, interests, or performance at work. Profiling may be used to categorize individuals into different groups or segments based on their characteristics and preferences.

  1. How SOUND SAUCE Uses Automated Decision-Making and Profiling

SOUND SAUCE may use automated decision-making and profiling for the following purposes:

  1. Personalization: To tailor products or Services to the User’s preferences and interests.
  2. Risk Assessment: To assess the risk associated with providing products or Services to the User.
  3. Marketing: To deliver targeted advertising or marketing communications that may be of interest to the User.
  4. Fraud Detection: To detect and prevent fraudulent activities or security threats.
  5. Performance Analysis: To analyze the performance of SOUND SAUCE’s products or services and improve their quality or efficiency.


  1. Cookies

SOUND SAUCE may use cookies and similar tracking technologies to access or store information. Specific information about how SOUND SAUCE uses such technologies and how the User can refuse certain cookies.


  1. International Data Transfer

SOUND SAUCE may transfer, store, and process the User’s information in countries other than the User’s own. SOUND SAUCE may transfer personal data across borders in compliance with applicable data protection laws. SOUND SAUCE implements appropriate safeguards to ensure the protection of personal data during such transfers.


SOUND SAUCE servers are located in Ireland. If the User is accessing the Services from outside Ireland, please be aware that the User’s information may be transferred to, stored, and processed by SOUND SAUCE’s facilities and by those third parties with whom SOUND SAUCE may share the User’s Personal Information in Ireland, United Kingdom, Egypt, and other countries.


If the User is not a resident in the European Economic Area (EEA), United Kingdom (UK), or Switzerland, then these countries may not necessarily have data protection laws or other similar laws as comprehensive as those in the User’s country. However, SOUND SAUCE shall take all necessary measures to protect the User’s Personal Information in accordance with this Privacy Policy and applicable law.


  1. Data Sharing

SOUND SAUCE may disclose the User’s Personal Information with the service providers. SOUND SAUCE may use the User’s Personal Information for business purposes, such as for undertaking internal research for technological development and demonstration. Such practice shall not be considered to be selling of the User’s Personal Information.


  1. Data In Relation To Third Parties

SOUND SAUCE may share the User’s data with third-party vendors, service providers, contractors, or agents who perform services for SOUND SAUCE or on its behalf and require access to such information to do that work. SOUND SAUCE have contracts in place with SOUND SAUCE’s third parties, which are designed to help safeguard the User’s Personal Information. This means that third parties cannot use the User’s Personal Information outside of the permitted use unless SOUND SAUCE has instructed them to do it. They shall also not share the User’s Personal Information with any organization apart from SOUND SAUCE. They also commit to protect the data they hold on SOUND SAUCE’s behalf and to retain the User’s data for the period SOUND SAUCE instructs.


The categories of third parties SOUND SAUCE may share Personal Information with include but not limited to: Ad Networks, Affiliate Marketing Programs, Cloud Computing Services, Communication & Collaboration Tools, Data Analytics Services, Data Storage Service Providers, Finance & Accounting Tools, Government Entities, Order Fulfillment Service Providers, Payment Processors, Performance Monitoring Tools, Product Engineering & Design Tools, Retargeting Platforms, Sales & Marketing Tools, Social Networks, Testing Tools, User Account Registration & Authentication Services, and Website Hosting Service Providers.


SOUND SAUCE also may need to share the User’s Personal Information in the following situations:

  1. In connection with, or during negotiations of, any merger, sale of company assets, financing, or acquisition of all or a portion of SOUND SAUCE to another company.
  2. With affiliates, in which case SOUND SAUCE shall require those affiliates to honor this privacy policy. Affiliates include the parent company and any subsidiaries, joint venture partners, or other companies that SOUND SAUCE control or that are under common control.
  3. With business partners to offer the User certain products, services, or promotions.
  4. When the User shares Personal Information by interacting, surfing the Service or otherwise interacting with public areas of the Services, such Personal Information may be viewed by all users and may be publicly made available outside the Services in perpetuity. If the User interacts with other users of the Services and registers for the Services through a social network, the User’s contacts on the social network shall see the User’s name, profile photo, and descriptions of the User’s activity. Similarly, other users shall be able to view descriptions of the User’s activity, communicate with the User within the Services, and view the User’s profile.


SOUND SAUCE does not sell the User’s Personal Information to third parties, As with nearly every e-commerce company, SOUND SAUCE does share a limited set of data that is gathered when the User visits the Services and Site, such as cookies and pixels, with third parties in order to allow the User to see tailored digital advertisements.


The Services may link to third-party websites, online services, or mobile applications and/or contain advertisements from third parties not affiliated with SOUND SAUCE, which may link to other websites, services, or applications. SOUND SAUCE makes no guarantees regarding these third parties and shall not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from their use. The inclusion of a link to a third-party website, service, or application does not imply endorsement by SOUND SAUCE. SOUND SAUCE does not ensure the safety and privacy of data provided to third parties. Data collected by third parties is not covered by this Privacy Policy. SOUND SAUCE is not responsible for the content, privacy, or security practices of any third parties, including websites, services, or applications linked to or from the Services. Users should review the policies of such third parties and contact them directly with any questions.


  1. Data Breach Notifications

In the event of a data breach involving personal data, SOUND SAUCE shall notify affected individuals and relevant authorities without undue delay, as required by applicable data protection laws and regulations.


  1. Children-Minor’s Data

SOUND SAUCE does not knowingly solicit data from or market to children under 18 years of age. By using the Services, the User represents that the User is at least 18 or that the User are the parent or guardian of such a minor and consents to such minor dependent’s use of the Services. If SOUND SAUCE learn that Personal Information from users less than 18 years of age has been collected, SOUND SAUCE shall deactivate the account and take reasonable measures to promptly delete such data from records and storage. If the User becomes aware of any data SOUND SAUCE may have collected from children under age 18, please contact


    1. Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the User has certain rights regarding personal data. These rights include:
  1. Right to Access: Obtain confirmation of whether the User’s personal data is being processed and access to the personal data and certain information about its processing.
  2. Right to Rectification: Request correction of inaccurate personal data and completion of incomplete personal data.
  3. Right to Erasure (Right to be Forgotten): Request the erasure of personal data under certain circumstances.
  4. Right to Restriction of Processing: Request restriction of processing of personal data under certain circumstances.
  5. Right to Data Portability: Receive the User’s personal data in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format and transmit it to another controller without hindrance.
  6. Right to Object: Object to processing of personal data under certain circumstances.
  7. The Right to Withdraw Consent: Withdraw the User’s consent at any time, where consent is the legal basis for processing the User’s data.
  8. Rights in Relation to Automated Decision-Making and Profiling: Not to be subject to solely automated decision-making processes, including profiling, under certain circumstances.
  9. Along with the right to know:
  1. whether SOUND SAUCE collects and uses the User’s Personal Information;
  2. the categories of Personal Information that SOUND SAUCE collect;
  3. the purposes for which the collected Personal Information is used;
  4. whether SOUND SAUCE sells or shares the User’s Personal Information to third parties;
  5. the categories of Personal Information that SOUND SAUCE sold, shared, or disclosed for a business purpose;
  6. the categories of third parties to whom the Personal Information was sold, shared, or disclosed for a business purpose;
  7. the business or commercial purpose for collecting, sharing, or selling Personal Information; and
  8. the specific pieces of Personal Information SOUND SAUCE collected about the User.
  9. In accordance with applicable law, SOUND SAUCE is not obligated to provide or delete consumer information that is de-identified in response to a consumer request or to re-identify individual data to verify a consumer request.
  1. Limiting Use and Disclosure of Sensitive Personal Information: If SOUND SAUCE collects sensitive Personal Information the User has the right to limit its use to only what’s necessary for services. Once requested, SOUND SAUCE won’t use or disclose this information for other purposes without consent, excluding publicly available or non-characteristic inference data.
  2. Verification Process: Upon receiving a request, SOUND SAUCE will verify the user’s identity to ensure the information matches their records. This may involve asking for previously provided information or using other verification methods. Information provided for verification will only be used for that purpose and will be deleted afterwards.
  3. Right to Non-Discrimination: The User has the right not to receive discriminatory treatment for exercising privacy rights.
  4. Other Privacy Rights: The User can object to Personal Information processing, request data correction or restriction, and designate authorized agents. SOUND SAUCE may deny requests from unauthorized agents. Opt-out requests for selling or sharing Personal Information will be processed within fifteen days.
  5. Account Management: User can review or update their account information by logging in or contacting SOUND SAUCE. Upon account termination request, SOUND SAUCE will deactivate or delete the account, retaining some information for legal or operational purposes.
  6. Do Not Track: SOUND SAUCE respects the privacy preferences of the User and acknowledges the “Do Not Track” signals sent by web browsers. Accordingly, SOUND SAUCE does not track User’s online activities over time and across third-party websites or online services.
    SOUND SAUCE does not engage in the collection of Personal Information about users’ online activities across different websites or online services, except as required for the provision of services requested by the user or as permitted by applicable law.
  7. Opt-Out Mechanisms: SOUND SAUCE does not sell the User’s Personal Information. If the User wishes to opt-out of SOUND SAUCE’s sharing of the limited data that is gathered when the User visits SOUND SAUCE’s Site for purposes of targeted digital advertising, Please note that SOUND SAUCE does not maintain this web tracking data in an identifiable manner.


Exercising User Rights: If the User wishes to exercise any of these rights or has any questions about how personal data is processed, please contact SOUND SAUCE using the information provided in the “Contact Us” section of this privacy policy.



SOUND SAUCE shall respond to User requests, complaints and/or notices within 30 days of receiving a User Request, valid for a period of twelve months and limited to two requests within a twelve-month period. SOUND SAUCE may extend the response time by an additional 30 days when necessary, with notification provided to the User within the initial 30 days.


  1. Data Processing and Storage

When using the Service, the User acknowledges that Personal Information shall be processed and stored in Ireland. SOUND SAUCE may also disclose the User information to SOUND SAUCE’s service providers and affiliates in other jurisdictions.


  1. General Principles

SOUND SAUCE’s data protection practices are guided by principles of lawfulness, fairness, transparency, purpose limitation, data minimization, accuracy, storage limitation, integrity, confidentiality, and accountability.


  1. General Compliance Statement

SOUND SAUCE adheres to applicable data protection laws in the regions where users are located, demonstrating a commitment to compliance.


  1. Governance

SOUND SAUCE adheres to relevant data protection laws and regulations in regions where SOUND SAUCE operates, including the UK “GDPR”, Europe “GDPR”, the United States “CCPA”, and MENA countries’ Privacy and Data Protection Laws.


  1. Specific Provisions for Key Regions

SOUND SAUCE complies with specific data protection laws and guidelines in MENA countries, including Egypt, KSA, UAE, Morocco, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Turkey among others.


  • General Disclosure Policy

SOUND SAUCE does not sell, trade, or transfer the User’s personal data to outside parties without the User’s consent, except as described in this privacy policy. SOUND SAUCE may disclose the User’s personal data to:

  1. Service Providers: Third-party service providers who assist SOUND SAUCE in operating SOUND SAUCE’s website or providing services to the User, under confidentiality agreements.
  2. Legal Obligations: Governmental authorities, law enforcement agencies, or other entities when required by law to protect rights, property, or safety.
  3. Business Transfers: In connection with mergers, acquisitions, or sales of assets, the User’s data may be transferred to involved third parties.


  • Specific Circumstances for Disclosure
  1. Vendors and Service Providers: Personal Information may be provided for business operations, subject to SOUND SAUCE’s instructions.
  2. Business Transfers: During strategic transactions, the User’s information may be disclosed to involved parties and transferred to successors or affiliates.
  3. Legal Requirements: Personal Information may be shared to comply with legal obligations, protect rights, prevent fraud, or ensure product integrity.
  4. Affiliates: Personal Information may be shared for consistent use in line with this Privacy Policy.


  • Additional U.S. State Disclosures

Categories of Personal Information, such as identifiers, commercial information, network activity, and geolocation data, may be disclosed to affiliates, vendors, law enforcement, and involved parties in Transactions.


  • Authorized Agents

The User can use an authorized agent to submit requests, provided they have written permission and meet identity verification requirements.


  • Additional Disclosure Circumstances

SOUND SAUCE may disclose the User’s Sensitive Information and other Information under various circumstances:

  1. Consent: Information may be disclosed with the User’s consent.
  2. Emergency Circumstances: Information may be shared to protect the User’s interests if the User is unable to provide consent.
  3. Employment Necessity: Information may be shared for employment or social security benefits administration, subject to appropriate safeguards.
  4. Public Information: Information the User has made public may be shared.
  5. Archiving: Information may be shared for archival and research purposes.
  6. Performance of a Contract: Information may be shared to administer contracts.
  7. Legal Obligation: Information may be shared as required or permitted by laws and regulations.
  8. Service Providers: Information may be shared with third parties under contract with us, subject to safeguards.
  9. Affiliates: Information may be shared with affiliated parties for relevant purposes.
  10. De-Identified and Aggregate Information: Information may be used and disclosed in de-identified or aggregate form without limitation.


  • Dispute Resolution

In the event of any dispute arising out of or relating to this privacy policy, SOUND SAUCE and the User

“Parties” agree to first attempt to resolve the dispute informally. Both Parties shall endeavor to negotiate in good faith to reach a mutually satisfactory resolution.


If the Parties are unable to resolve the dispute through informal negotiation within a reasonable period, either Party may initiate formal dispute resolution proceedings. Such proceedings may include mediation or arbitration conducted by a mutually agreed-upon mediator or arbitrator, in accordance with the rules and procedures of the chosen mediation or arbitration provider.


Any dispute resolution proceedings shall take place in a mutually agreed-upon location and shall be conducted in the English language. The costs and expenses of any formal dispute resolution proceedings shall be borne equally by both parties unless otherwise determined by the mediator or arbitrator.


The Parties agree that any decision or award rendered in the dispute resolution proceedings shall be final and binding upon both parties. Both parties further agree to waive any rights to participate in any class action lawsuits or class-wide arbitration proceedings against each other.



SOUND SAUCE regularly reviews and updates privacy policy to ensure compliance with data protection laws and best practices. Changes will be communicated to the User in a timely manner and may be indicated by an updated “Revised” date. User’s continued use of the SOUND SAUCE’s Services and website and third-party applications after any such change indicates User’s acceptance and implied consent of these updates.



For any questions or concerns about privacy practices or this policy, please contact SOUND SAUCE at:


71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden

London, United Kingdom, WC2H 9JQ


SOUND SAUCE is dedicated to addressing any issues or inquiries promptly and transparently.